Here you will find some answers for the questions you might have about internal mobility:

  • I would like to pursue an internal mobility, but I have not found an appropriate job offer or I am not sure yet in which direction I would like to go. What should I do?

You should speak to your manager to discuss your development plan and your motivation.

  • When can I look for a new job opportunity?

You have finalized or you are close to finalizing your present mission, as you are expected to be at least 2-3 years in a position before taking up a new opportunity.

  • Do I have to inform my manager about my application?

Yes, you have to inform your manager about your application. If not initially, so when being selected for the recruitment process.

  • Can I keep the benefits from my seniority?

Yes, you will keep your group seniority even if you move to another company within the division